Recently the Dezembers met Mom, Dad, and Kaci at Crescent city, California for a wonderful quaint beach stay. We explored the Jedidiah Stake Park and dicovered how enormous the Redwood trees really are! Just 15 miles away from the beach house was a tourist attraction named the Trees of Mystery. When we got there we were greeted by an hundred foot Paul Bunyan. When we got out of the car Paul opened his eye and said good morning! He also asked Dad what had happenned to his leg, since Dad was still on his crutches. Brinley exchanged jokes with Paul Bunyan as they laughed together. Paul also waved and winked at us! Duffy didn't pay much attention to Paul he was to busy making friends with Babe. What an animal lover Duffy is! We went on a trail that showed us all the unique redwood trees and led us to the Sky Trail. The sky trail took us up and over the trees above the forest. We had to talk Duffy into riding the sky trail because he is not fond of hieghts! Up up and away we went to the top of the mountain. As we left the Trees of Mystery Paul Bunyan gave us a big Wave goodbye and we went to the Drive thru tree where we had a picnic and drove through a big Redwood! On our vacation we also spent a lot of time on the beach. We walked the beach several times and Kaci skim boarded across the water. We liked the beach there better than Oregon ones because it was alot warmer. At low tide we walked across the rocks to the lighthouse and saw the beautiful ocean waves crash against the rocks. We also saw lots of little crabs when we flipped some of the rocks over! Before we left we went on another nice hike thruogh the redwoods, it was very cool. Overall it was a good time for everyone to relax and enjoy nature. Here's some more pics!
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