The Stapley Family

The Stapley Family

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The trip to Cali- and the Trees of Mystery

Recently the Dezembers met Mom, Dad, and Kaci at Crescent city, California for a wonderful quaint beach stay. We explored the Jedidiah Stake Park and dicovered how enormous the Redwood trees really are! Just 15 miles away from the beach house was a tourist attraction named the Trees of Mystery. When we got there we were greeted by an hundred foot Paul Bunyan. When we got out of the car Paul opened his eye and said good morning! He also asked Dad what had happenned to his leg, since Dad was still on his crutches. Brinley exchanged jokes with Paul Bunyan as they laughed together. Paul also waved and winked at us! Duffy didn't pay much attention to Paul he was to busy making friends with Babe. What an animal lover Duffy is! We went on a trail that showed us all the unique redwood trees and led us to the Sky Trail. The sky trail took us up and over the trees above the forest. We had to talk Duffy into riding the sky trail because he is not fond of hieghts! Up up and away we went to the top of the mountain. As we left the Trees of Mystery Paul Bunyan gave us a big Wave goodbye and we went to the Drive thru tree where we had a picnic and drove through a big Redwood! On our vacation we also spent a lot of time on the beach. We walked the beach several times and Kaci skim boarded across the water. We liked the beach there better than Oregon ones because it was alot warmer. At low tide we walked across the rocks to the lighthouse and saw the beautiful ocean waves crash against the rocks. We also saw lots of little crabs when we flipped some of the rocks over! Before we left we went on another nice hike thruogh the redwoods, it was very cool. Overall it was a good time for everyone to relax and enjoy nature. Here's some more pics!

Finger Magic

Just a little something that I found and wanted to share. Enjoy...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Cooper is Crawling!

We captured some funny photos of Cooper when he was learning to crawl a few weeks ago. It was more of an army crawl, lunge forward, and then crawl. He often would lose his pants in the process-as illustrated by these pictures!

Tumalo Falls

I wanted to post a few pictures I got before my camera battery died when Cori and family came to Bend to visit us. The cousins had a great time together and we look forward to when the next visitors come!

Dezember Family Rocks Bend

Ok, So we are the last ones to log on to the family Blog--I hope this post makes up for it! We have had a great year so far. Kendall has been displaying her many talents at school and home. She was selected to be in the school talent show in April where she wowed the audience with her jump roping skills! Last week Kendall was in her school signing bee against the entire school. The interpreters would finger spell a word for the students and they would have to tell them the word signed--well it came down to a 3rd grader, a 5th grader and our little 1st grader--and Kendall won the whole thing! Duffy was there to watch and was so proud. I was with Brinley on her last day of Kindergarten field trip to the park. All of her teachers told me how much of a joy Brinley was to have around and that she was very helpful and a great friend. We also got good news that she qualified for the Tiny and Talented program for gifted students. Way to go Brinley! Cooper is a moving and a grooving all over the place. At this rate he should be walking before he is 1 (which is almost here if you can believe it!) Hope you enjoy the great pics. I will do my best to keep posting. Love you all!

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Last month with the Lucoffs

These are great pictures we took in the last month of the kids. Although we did go to Bend to visit the Dezembers both me and Kelli's batteries in our cameras both died. So we have no memories to show you we were there. We did have fun though. We climbed a large waterfall with the kids and then me and Aaron went under the waterfall while Kelli and Duffy and the kids watched from a safe distance. We could have sat in the mist all day but the kids were waiting and they were hungry so we left. We also found the best Indian food restaraunt in the world (besides India) in Bend and it was cheap. The kids loved it. Sydni had fun playing soccer and wants to play fall season. In her last game she scored a goooooaaaal. Which seems to get harder to do every year. She also danced in her recital for dance and she looked beautiful in her purple tutu(in the picture she is with her friend Jackael). Ellias played soccer too. He is more excited to be in a soccer outfit then acually proticapating in the game. He runs around the kids and only makes contact with the ball if he is in the way of it. We hope to have more pictures this comming month when we go to Seattle. The picture of the kids and the river is on the Snake at the Swan Falls Dam I thought it was a great pict. it is my screen saver.