The Stapley Family

The Stapley Family

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

School Starts Again!

So I think we all have really boring lives! Haha, just kidding. We need to so more stuff on this blog! Haha. (I'll get off my soapbox now) So the past few weeks have been pretty interesting and tiresome for us here in Provo. First off we finally got all moved into our new apartment. We love it! It's really nice and has a huge kitchen. But we didn't really get a chance to enjoy it since school started two weeks ago. This semester looks like it will be my hardest. I'm taking a ton of credits and a couple of online classes that are pretty time consuming. We have hardly had any time to sit and enjoy. Oh the joys of school! But hopefully I will be all done by the summer. Laura is still working hard at her salon and the MTC, But I think that we are both anxious to get on with our lives away from school and Provo. Hopefully.....maybe the Northwest?....hmm....


rrstapley said...

WOW!!!! Really, the NORTHWEST????
That would be so great, we could use some family here. Sorry it's been boring on the blog, School started and Dad's been sooooooo SICK!!! Kendalls baptism will be coming up soon and then comes the pic's. I'll be sending some picks of my beautiful school all torn down. With my home away from home, the portables. Nice APARTMENT

Kelli said...

Enjoy every minute you have in Provo. People will complain, "I can't wait to get out of here!" But you will remember these years as some of the funnest and most memerable of your marriage, and pre-marriage of course. Do you know how many people would LOVE to live in Provo right now? How many student does BYU turn away each year? Thousands! Enjoy every second!