The Stapley Family

The Stapley Family

Monday, February 2, 2009

Who is this baby?

Alright, alright, the wait is over for those of you wanting to know exactly what we are having (other than a baby) Here is the Ultrasound at 14 and1/2 weeks:
And here is the Wall-E cake for Brinley's baptism that revealed the gender:
The cake reads: Congratulations Brinley on your Birthday, Baptism, and Baby Sister! That's right-Cooper will be a Prince among Princesses as he will be the only boy in our family. We were all very surprised and have been anticipating what our family dynamic will be with one more girl! Good thing I saved all those bins of girl clothes. We are still working on a name, we had one picked for a boy but now we are trying to agree on one for a girl. I think girl names are a lot harder! So how could the ultrasonographer tell it was a girl at only 14 weeks? He was really good and it was pretty obvious. Next week I will have another ultrasound at 20 weeks and it should be even more clear then. Hopefully nothing has sprouted between then and now!
Here are some more pictures of our beautiful snow princess in her white baptism day dress.

We had lots of fun this weekend with all of our family in town for her baptism. On Saturday we went sledding to our new favorite snow park-Winoga, on the way up to Mount Bachelor. It was really icy and everyone went really fast. I sat on the sidelines watching. Brinley was a crazy sledder, I was worried she would break something! Duffy landed hard on his bottom off of a jump. Look at his face in the picture and you can see the pain. Kendall, Kaci and Aaron were real troopers going up that steep hill.

It was a beautiful day on Saturday and everything went so well. We wished everyone could have been there to enjoy the fun with us! We missed you!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Brinley's Baptism Day

This weekend Mom, Dad, Kaci and Aaron, got to enjoy a weekend down in Bend, Oregon for Brinleys Special DAY!!!! Saturday Brinley was Baptized by her father Duffy at there Stake Center. It was a WONDERFUL day, she was so EXCITED!!!! Kelli gave a wonderful talk on the Holy Ghost, the second time, she also gave one for Kendalls baptism. They must think she's an expert on this subject. Brinley looked so cute and we were all so proud of her.

Sunday she was confirmed a member of the church. Dad, Aaron, and her other Grandpa , Tom got to be in the circle with some close friends. Duffy did a wonderful job. We are so proud of him, and what a nice job he did. We could feel the spirit so strong, we are truely blessed. Brinely gave a beautiful testimony, she's getting so good at speaking and we can't believe how old she is already.

After the baptism on Saturday we enjoyed a fiesta of Mexican Food, which Kelli's and Duffy's friends were there with there cute new baby girl and Duffy's brother Ted and his girlfriend Ashley, and both grandparents on both sides. Everything went well and we had a great time.

Way to go Brinley, we are proud of you, thanks for letting us share your big day!!!!


OH, We also got to find out what the sex of the baby is that will be here JUNE 29th

Kelli will be posting the pic and the sex. WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! Another little Dezember baby!!!

It was a LONG trip for Kaci and Aaron!!
Although they slept half way home!
Dranamine worked great for them.
Don't they look so CUTE asleep together. A little change from two months ago in wedding clothes.
After a long trip we made it home safely and look forward to our next adventure at our childrens homes. WE Love you all and hope to see you soon.